Synopsis: Lecture 3 (2021-22)

Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 5:04 PM
- written by user ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΗΣ ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ

(Some of) The examples have shown that it is possible that different metrics on the same carrier set can obey relations, e.g. in the form of functional inequalities. We suspected that such relations might imply analogous ones between the relevant properties that each metric endows the space with, and that provides as with a motivation of further examination of such relations.

We begun the examination of the important example of the space of bounded real functions on a non-empty domain endowed with the uniform metric and noted that it contains several subexamples, e.g. the spaces of real n-vectors equipped with the max-metric.

Notes on the previous can be found here.  The whiteboards from analogous previous year's lectures (please keep in mind that those are not necessarily identical to the current lectures but they contain some common elements) can be found here and here.


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