We have examined the notion of local uniform convergence in probability, and provided with (a useful for example in the case of the OLSE and the IVE when the parameter space is compact), result that establishes the aforementioned convergence via pointwise convergence in probability combined with a (with probability one) Lipschitz continuity property for the empirical criterion (i.e. the function from which the estimator is derived) and a form of boundedness with high probability condition for
We continued exploring the class of optimization based estimators via-among others-the examination of the semi-parametric linear model with instrumental variables.
In the general case we commented on issues of existence of the estimator, based on properties of the underlying empirical criterion and the parameter space. We examined a generalization of the estimator enabling the consideration of optimization errors, that among others are usually met in numerical procedures.
We begun the exploratio
We are interested in developing a quite general theory of optimization based estimation and testing procedures. To this end we begun the construction of an appropriate framework consisting of the notion of the sample, the notion of the parametric and semi-parametric statistical model and the subsequent notions of the estimator and testing procedure in such-like models.
Given the complexity incurred in models that even slightly deviate from the standard forms of the linear model; this among othe
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