Starbuck\'s case: 30% of the mark
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 12:00 AM -

Please find attached the Starbucks case that you have to prepare for your group assignment (30% of your mark).

Students can also take into account in their assignments secondary material other than that presented in the case-text (e.g. material from the internet). This write-up report must not exceed 3,000 words. An indicative format for the presentation can be: Executive Summary, Introduction, Environmental Analysis, Competition, Internal Competencies and Strengths; [and primarily:] Discussion and Recommendations regarding the Specific Internationalization Issue, Conclusions, Recommendations, Appendices (if any). Students are advised to particularly emphasize the international business aspects of this case.

Please  prepare this case in groups of up to 5 students. Hand only a hard copy of this case (i.e. no electronic file or email). The case due on 13/1/11 (last day of classes).