Multimedia Technology (3882)


General information about the exams
- Friday, January 10, 2025 at 11:56 PM -

Written exams for the Multimedia Technology class are 2 hours long.The exams are open book: you can bring with you any printed or handwritten materials you want, but NOT mobile phones or computers. Do bring a calculator, as some exercises may require tedious calculations.

The exam questions will be provided in Greek and English, and your responses can be in either language; you will not be graded based on your English (or your Greek) skills. The exam questions will amount to more than 60 points, and you can answer them all, but your grade will be no more than 60 points - the remaining 40 points are from your project. All the material we covered is in eclass.

Most of the exam questions will be exercises similar to those from the tutorials, while a smaller number of questions (for fewer points) will be similar to the review questions we saw in class. You do not need to memorize anything, but it is best to have some experience solving the exercises from the tutorials. If there are multiple answers to an exercise (example: different valid EDF or RMS sequences, different ways to calculate the same thing), one correct answer is enough.