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Vuorio, Torkkeli, Sainio, 2020.Service-innovation-and-internationalization-in-S.pdf 620.26 KB24/10/20
Saridakis et al., 2019SMEs Internationalisation 595.95 KB24/10/24
Roman_Gamero_Delgato-Gonzalez_Tamayo, 2019. Innovativeness and internationalization in SMEs.pdf 1.02 MB24/10/20
Rodríguez and Orellana 2020. Human capital and export performance in the Spanish manufacturing firms.pdf 218.03 KB24/10/20
Ribau, Moreira, Raposo. 2017, SMEs-innovation-capabilities-and-export-performance-an-entrepreneurial-orient.pdf 350.79 KB24/10/20
Pietrovito_Pozzolo, 2019. Credit constraints and exports of SMEs in emerging and developing countries.pdf 503.3 KB24/10/20
Oura, M. M., Zilber, S. N., & Lopes, E. L. (2016), Innovation capacity, international experience and export performance of SMEs in Brazil.pdf 302.67 KB24/10/20
Masaro Rubens Bardy Bagnoli (2017). Antecedents-to-export-performance-and-how-Italian-and-Slovenian-SMEs-innovate.pdf 316.6 KB24/10/20
Malca, Pena-Vinces, Acedo,2019. Export promotion programmes as export performance catalysts for SMEs.pdf 611.86 KB24/10/20
Love, Roper, Zhou. 2016 , Experience, age and exporting performance in UK SMEs.pdf 501.36 KB24/10/20
Henley, Song, 2019. Innovation, internationalisation and the performance of microbusiness.pdf 312.73 KB24/10/20
Gnizy, Cadogan, Oliveira, Nizam. 2017, The empirical link between export dispersion and export performance.pdf 907.18 KB24/10/20
Falahat, Ramayah, Soto-Acosta, Lee, 2020. SMEs internationalization_The role of product innovation, market intelligence.pdf 471.48 KB24/10/20
Exposito_Sanchis-Liopis, 2019. The effects of innovation on the decisions of exporting andor importing in SMEs.pdf 391.94 KB24/10/20
Cross-border e-commerce as a foreign market entry mode.pdf 244.98 KB6/11/21
Credit constraints and firm export_Microeconomic evidence from Italy.pdf 682.51 KB6/11/21
Bundling and exporting_Evidence from German SMEs.pdf 2 MB6/11/21
Bank relationships’ contributions to SME export perform.pdf 338.72 KB6/11/21
Antecedent-and-outcomes-of-innovation-based-growth-strategies-for-exporting-SMEs.pdf 333.33 KB6/11/21