You can now upload your homework (part two) to e-class. Deadline 29/6/2023.
The basic formulas that you must know (and memorize) for the exam are:
Probabilities of inclusion in the sample, pages 10-12.
The expected value of the indicator variable, page 13.
The formula of the weight w and its expected value, page 18.
The formulas for the estimators of the total, mean and proportion, pages 29, 32, 34.
The regression coefficient B, and its estimator, pages 46 and 48.
The regression estimator, page 49.
The ratio estimator, pages 52 and 53.
The multiplier gi (for the weight of unit i), σελίδες 56 and 59.
The formulas for the weights and the variance in Jackknife for stratified multistage sampling, pages 97 and 98.
The formulas for the weights and the variance in Bootstrap, page 103.
All formulas for nonresponse adjustment.