After the consent of Mrs. Pepelasi, we would like to inform you via e-class that we are two student business teams from the University of Athens (Mindpitch) and National Technical University of Athens (Mindspace NTUA) and we decided to work together to develop and implement business ideas of students who need guidance and help to start their own business. With the guidance of professors from both universities and the MIT Enterprise Forum of Greece, we decided to hold our first event about entrepreneurship, which will take place on Saturday , May 24th , 11:00 to 14:30 , at the Eugenides Foundation (otherwise Planetarium), Avenue Syggrou 387, entrance from Penteli 11. Six business ideas will be discussed at the event. After each idea, will answer your questions in order to resolve questions, but also to identify deficits or problems that may be faced by every team. At the end you will be able to discuss with the teams that they presented and the professors about any business concerns of yours.
Thank you ! We hope to see you there !
Groups and Mindpitch Mindspace NTUA.
*** You can follow the link below to register . Admission is free .
*** For directions, follows the link below: